The policy of our firm is based on transparency and full information of our customers from the beginning of our mission. The fees are set according to the matter and the time spent on the basis of an hourly rate depending on the degree of experience and expertise of lawyers. We can set up an alternative billing method depending on the mission.
Le renforcement des garanties du contribuable par la loi N° 2014-861 du 22 décembre 2014 portant loi de Finance pour la gestion 2015.
Les garanties offertes au contribuable dans les procédures fiscales sont un critère de l’état de droit et un levier pour susciter l’adhésion du contribuable à l’impôt. Le civisme fiscal ne se décrète pas mais se construit à travers un système fiscal équitable. ...suite
The policy of our firm is based on transparency and full information of our customers from the beginning of our mission.
The fees are set according to the matter and the time spent on the basis of an hourly rate depending on the degree of experience and expertise of lawyers.
We can set up an alternative billing method depending on the mission.